Tyrtle Beach?
The Tyrtle Beach Youth Fund is an annual grass roots fundraising campaign
that is organized by Steuben Youth Services Fund, Inc. to support youth
programs in the Central Steuben County.
What started as an on-air joke on WVIN Radio in 1992 has turned into a significant fundraising event, with over $775,000 raised in 31 years! How do we do it? Each April, one local “celebrity” jumps into frigid Lake Salubria (OK… maybe two celebrities!). Then, volunteers, businesses, agencies, and communities pledge and donate funds to support “the jumper”. And… 100% of the donated funds are distributed to approximately 80 youth programs in the area. It’s that simple.
Tyrtle Beach funds support non-profit grassroots community groups that serve children and youth up to 18 years of age. Programs must apply and report annually, must be non-discriminatory, and must use the funds for program use only.
We invite you to explore these pages to learn the rich history of Tyrtle Beach, and hope you will consider donating to this amazing community effort under the Giving tab. If you are a volunteer or staff of a program that serves kids in the area, the applying and reporting information is located under the Receiving tab.
Welcome to Tyrtle Beach!